Import Errors
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Last updated
Your next great event experience starts with Ventla
When you import a list of invitees, participants, or "My Information" you may see an import error warning. Read all about them below:
Start by making sure you are using the correct import template provided in the Administrative panel. You can also find and download the templates here.
If importing Invitees to Ventla Invite or Participants to the Event:
Make sure not to remove, replace, or reorder any headings on Row 1 of the import template.
First name, Last name and Email are all mandatory fields.
Leave any cells empty which you may not use.
If importing "My information," make sure to not modify the Email heading in cell A1.
There is a maximum of 500 records per import.
This error message only occur when there are duplicate emails present in the import file. Please check your file for duplicates before trying again.
Contact us if you need help.
There are two possible reasons for the "invalid emails" error message:
The required headings on Row 1 have been altered, reordered, changed, or removed. Make sure to follow the instructions for each import template.
One or more emails have issues. Here are a few common mistakes:
Missing @ symbol
Missing domain-extenstion, such as ".com," ".se," ".nu," or ""
Special chartacters are present, such as "å," "ä," or "ö"
Check your import file before trying again.
Need additional help? Contact us.